Containers - Collection Studio - Sammler-Software

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Collection Studio 4.75

[ Datum: 31 August 2018 ]




With Collection Studio you could add unlimited number of different containers in collection. This entity physically divides all your collectibles on several parts. For example you could add following types of container:

  • Common container
  • Wish list - container, where you could place any wish collectibles; Currently there is no differences between "Wish list" and "Common container" container types;
  • Recycler bin - in the first container of this type, will be placed all deleted collectibles;

When you have added at least one container you will be able to move your collectibles using between containers using "Move into" command (hot key Ctrl+M).

When you want just to group several collectibles by specific characteristics probably it is very useful to use list filter feature, instead of keeping these collectibles in separate containers.

Containers and its properties were introduced in the Collection Studio 3.56.
