Version History - Collection Studio - Sammler-Software

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Collection Studio 4.76

[ Datum: 31 Mai 2024 ]

Version History



CS 4.76
CS 4.75 | CS 4.74 | CS 4.73 |
CS 4.72 | CS 4.71 | CS 4.70 | CS 4.69 | CS 4.68 | CS 4.67 | CS 4.66
CS 3.65 | CS 3.64 | CS 3.63 | CS 3.62

Collection Studio 4.76 / Mai 31, 2024

  • Export:
    • fixed: do not output year and quality twice
    • fixed: output of multi line comments into CSV and CSV with semicolon separator

Collection Studio 4.75 / August 31, 2018

  • Export: Fix of the export into RTF file format;
  • Fix: Country and currency were lost during plug-in run, for example during run of the Dates Calculator plug-in (This was a common problem during call to any plug-in);
  • Misc: COL file format was upgraded to next version with more compact data output;
  • Fix: face value tag inside pre-defined collection types (will affect only for newly created collections using predefined collectible types);
  • Automatically open "contact us" online form if any error occurs during load/save of the collection file;

Collection Studio 4.74 / July 29, 2018

  • Update histogram view (with new sorting order) when column header in the list is clicked;
  • Show map with gradient fill according to number of collectibles in each country instead of usage of 5 predefined colors; Colors of gradient and number of steps in it could be configured.
  • Settings: Sounds: enhance internal mechanism for loading of sound files;
  • Add spacing for long face values: 500000 dinar -> 500 000 dinar:
    • during output into template view
    • and inside collectible title
  • Template view:
    • Show a list of all collectibles for selected currency, contact and quality level
    • Show a list of all collectibles for selected statistics item
    • Enhanced "Comments" template view;
  • Speed-up:
    • sorting by number of collectibles for different views;
    • sorting by country existence;
  • Fixes:
    • Fix: tag name mixing for face value: [face_value] and [face value];
    • Fix: endless loop during open countries with collectibles that have very long face value, such as 500 000 000 000;
    • Fix: link to Central Bank of Bolivia;
    • Fix: reload defined colors for collectible statuses when interface language is changed;
    • Fix: no assert during closing of the miscellaneous setting page caused by wrong detection of the currency selection;
    • Fix: highlighting of the quality using bold font inside drop down list if this quality is used inside collection;

Collection Studio 4.73 / June 24, 2018

  • Added new statistics views:
    • European union with listing of 28 countries,
    • Eurozone with listing of 19 countries.
  • Added histogram for "Spend per year" statistics view;
  • Added new statistics section in main statistics view;
  • Country: Updated statistics table in template view: collectible year / collectible face value (nominal + currency): now you can open collectible directly from the table;
  • Fixed: show correct continent map when there is no any matched country in the list for selected continent.
  • Multilingual support:
    • Update of Polish flag Polish translation;

Collection Studio 4.72 / March 31, 2016

  • Collectibles:
    • Added new statistics views - by year grouped with 5, 10, 25, 50 years;
    • Show list of collectibles in pop up list from statistics view "by group of years" (5 / 10 / 25 / 50);
  • Collectible title: add new rules for making more human readable title of the collectible;
  • Export:
    • Export into CSV: add column titles as first row of the export data;
    • Convert all prices (catalog and buy price) into user selected currency; All prices are go with corresponding currency name;
    • Set default export format as CSV;
    • Fix: use default filename for the exported collection: "My collection, ";
  • GPS coordinate field type: add predefined shortcuts for opening GPS coordinate with ACME Mapper and Maps-For-Free online map services (previously there were only two options: Google maps and Yahoo maps);
  • Multilingual support:
    • Update of Belarus flag Belorussian translation;
  • Countries: Fix: do not rewrite already set existence years for countries;
  • Statistics: show most lucky and most worst purchase;
  • CollectionStudio help file: fixed internal links;

Collection Studio 4.71 / July 31, 2015

  • Collectibles:
    • Added new field types: weight and material;
    • Added new statistics view: by materials with total weights;
  • Filter of the collectible list:
    • Change colors of buttons;
    • Show icons for buttons when there is enough free space in the window;
  • Edit/add collectible window:
    • Allow manual adding of the country/currency for collectible using Edit control with drop down list with already used or predefined values (you can disable this functionality and return back to just selection using combo-box with flag images);
    • Auto adding new country/currency entry during creation/modification of the collectible (you can disable this functionality in the setting window);
    • Fix: show vertical scroll bar when data is too big to fit the list of the ComboBox field type;
  • List:
    • Fix: sort by income date;
    • Fix: enhance sorting by price (catalog price / paid amount);

Collection Studio 4.70 / February 12, 2015

  • Export:
    • Validate string values during export into CSV format;
    • Allow customization of the date format during export (current default value is DD.MM.YYYY);
  • Import:
    • Allow multi lines values in CSV files;
    • Fix: progress bar doesn't disappear when import finished;
    • Fix: progress bar moves to fast than importing of the data;
    • Speed up import process;
  • Multilingual support:
    • Update Ukrainian flag Ukrainian translation by netavek;
  • Speed-up opening collectible edit dialog;
  • Auto recover corrupted file (partly downloaded from web);

Collection Studio 4.69 / October 5, 2014

  • Prices and currencies:
    • Convert all prices into one currency (selected by user in settings window) during display;
    • Fix: no Euro in the currencies list for prices;
    • Statistics: fix: 100 USD + 100 EUR = 230 USD, according to current currency exchange rate;
    • Statistics: fix: conversion of the collection price into one base currency (selected by user or into default USD);
    • Exchange rates: add ability to convert A->B using temporary currency;
  • Export:
    • Validate tag (for forbidden symbols) after editing and during loading of the old collection;
    • Fix: export into CSV file;
  • Import:
    • From XML: Automatically import collectible images, attachments and links;
    • Try to automatically detect "collectible index" column from the data being imported;
  • Main bar: For selected collectible show only fields that are not used in the collectible template name;
  • Added new country and its flag Biafra and several territories;
  • Speed up: usage of more faster sort algorithm;

Collection Studio 4.68 / October 29, 2013

  • Fix: command line parameter "-newcollection" leads to opening "New collection" at program start up (also it prevent opening last accessed collection during start up)
  • Default field values: now it is possible to edit default values of the field in the Collection options window;
  • Export: Fix crush during export;
  • Statistics:
    • Main statistics: Added "median of year" field; This year represents situation where one half of collection is older than this median year and another half is younger;
    • Speed up: building statistics by country/currency/quality;
  • List: align numbers in cells to the right, flags - in the middle of the cell;

Collection Studio 4.67 / September 20, 2013

  • Critical fix: program crush during open of the "Collectible edit" window;
  • Fix Import: auto detect country, currency, quality, year and face value;
  • Multilingual support:
    • Update Ukrainian flag Ukrainian translation by netavek;
  • Template view:
    • allow fast access to collectibles mentioned in the template view;
    • update info in the view if accessed item was changed;
  • Statistics:
    • Show separate face value statistics;
  • automatically validate collectible template name at collection loading;
  • Reworked help file
  • Internal:
    • Minor changes and small bug fixes
    • cppcheck: a lot of small fixes according to lexical analysis;
    • Fix critical error with Date/Year/Century field type;
    • Added icon for "British Antarctic Territory"
    • Added icon for "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"

Collection Studio 4.66 / August 26, 2013

  • Collectibles:
    • All old standard collectibles are now automatically converted into custom collectibles;
    • Statistics information window is shown, during conversion of old standard collections into custom collection;
    • New field types were added:
      • Date Plus - which can be used to specify date (day, month and year) or only year or century in the "Collectible Edit" dialog on the fly;
      • Period, to set range of mintage in coins collections for example. This field is constructed from two DatePlus fields;
      • Group separator;
      • Page separator;
      • Face value - to indicate numbers on banknotes and coins, postage stamps etc, generally this field will go together with "currency" field;
    • Face value: allow to show and edit face value using "1/3", "1/5", "1/12" etc instead of 0.3333 and 0.2 etc;
    • Comobobox field type: Now you can specify default field values, which will be available in the drop down list during collectible edit;
    • Default list of fields was appended with "Title" field;
    • Fix: correct handling of the "[title]" tag;
    • Fix: show country flags in collectibles listing;
  • Collectible year:
    • Fix: support of the negative year during modification of the collectible; Show "B.C." postfix instead of negative years;
    • Fix: remove zero century from the "By century" statistics table;
  • Collectible prices:
    • For any price it possible to provide currency;
    • Pre-build list of currencies was added for following languages: english (default), russian, belorussian, ukrainian;
    • Fix: do not show rows with empty prices in Template view;
    • Automatically convert price value from custom currency into base currency using customizable rate table;
  • Template view:
    • Remember user template selection for next program start (requested on our forum);
    • Adjust width of the first column in view;
    • Country: New statistics table in template view: collectible year / collectible face value (nominal + currency);
  • Collection:
    • Open last accessed collection at start up;
    • New command line parameter "newcollection" was added to disable opening of the last accessed collection during CollectionStudio start up;
  • Hot keys:
    • fix: add collectible using Ctrl+1 hot key;
    • fix: switch to collectibles list using Alt+1 hot key;
  • Collection Options: Fields setup
    • "Create field tag" button: set tag as field type if it is admissible;
    • Group field types using separators in drop down list;
  • Images: Get "EXIF info": fix critical error: crush of the program;
  • Statistics
    • Show small equivalent of years in histogram if number of columns is more than 20 (with setup possibilities)
  • New command line parameters:
    • language, to specify user interface language;
    • trace, to specify trace filename;
    • structure-load and structure-save, to specify file for loading/saving structure of the collection during start up;
  • Internal:
    • cppcheck: a lot of small fixes according to lexical analysis;
    • currencies: "penny" was added into default list;

Collection Studio 3.65 / March 22, 2012

  • Comments: fix conversion from RTF into ASCII; Remove unused line feeds after conversion into HTML format;
  • Fix: Statistics by price, sort was incorrect (1,10,2) instead of (1,2,10);
  • Duplicate:
    • Changes in behavior: newer copy of the collectible is placed in the same container as original collectible;
    • Newer system settings were added:
      • Settings/Duplicate.AutoSelect - Auto-select duplicated collectible;
      • Settings/Duplicate.AutoOpen - Auto-open "Edit" dialog for duplicated collectible.
  • Newer system setting: auto-select just created collectible (by default is switched off);
  • Multilingual support:
  • Histogram: do not draw anything for years without collectibles;
  • Images:
    • Add support of the ICO files;
    • Draw images more smooth with 3 different algorithms;
    • More faster drawing of stretched images;
    • Fix: Copy from clipboard;
    • Add ability to copy from clipboard with auto compression into PNG format to reduce memory usage;
    • Copy from clipboard: show summary statistics about used compression;
  • Template view:
    • Draw images as thumbnails for more smooth output with 3 different algorithms. With click - an original image will be shown;
  • Flicker free drawing of several controls;
  • Movies: fix work with value of the color flag (mentioned by Pedromig on our forum);
  • Gallery: show information in main bar and in the template view about currently selected collectible;
  • Fix: View correct value of the quality state in the "Edit" dialog after press Prev/Next buttons.

Collection Studio 3.64 / December 30, 2011

  • Custom collectibles:
    • Fix tab page "Quality State": show current quality of the custom collectible and save changes made on this tab page (in previous versions it was possible to change quality state only from the main tab page of the edit dialog);
    • Do not show quality state field on the main tab page of the edit dialog (quality state is handled on separate tab page);
  • Search tool:
    • Fix: remember/restore window position;
    • Show last used keywords for search in the top of the popup list;
    • Enable additional hints for suggestion during typing search Keyword using titles of country names, currencies, quality levels and contacts;
    • New "-clear-history" command (without quotes) was added to clear search history in the Keyword field.
  • Images:
    • Fix memory leaks;
    • Update information in tooltips for images after modification of its properties;
    • Hide image tooltips before collectible editing.
    • Fix commands: show EXIF, Copy to clipboard, Save as.
  • Multilingual support:
    • New translation was added: Flag of Pakistan Arabic translation by mfmddawdeh;
    • New translation was added: Slovenian flag Slovenian translation by Tomaz Curk;
    • Update of the Turkish flag Turkish localization (thanks to Ali Koc).
  • Menu: Draw selection mark with gradient fill under Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows Vista;
  • Background color:
    • Enhance accuracy and speed of the gradient drawing in background for "Histogram" view, "Image" pane, Information bar etc;
    • Filter: draw background with nice gradient color (only for PC with Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher);
  • Template view:
    • Fix: prevent double output into the pane on opening collectible list;
    • Show tooltips for images;
  • Import:
    • Auto detect of the "Year" column (all collectible types with year support);
    • Auto detect of the "Coin type" column (coins collections only).
  • cppcheck: a lot of small fixes according to lexical analysis;

Collection Studio 3.63 / July 28, 2011

  • Tool "Synchronize countries" was fixed: program crushed during synchronization with active "Countries" list (reported by sharaf on our forums);
  • Multilingual support:
    • Update of Lithuanian flag Lithuanian translation by Laurius Vaitkevicius.
    • Update of Indonesian flag Indonesian translation by Wowan Kuncoro.
  • Fix: Tab control in the "Edit" window was not updated correctly during resize (problem was reported on our forum by McKenly Roberts).
  • Main toolbar:
    • Fix: Wrong background color in the main toolbar under specific color schemas in Windows XP.
    • Speed-up loading of the main toolbar during start up of the CollectionStudio.
  • Inner database: new country was added: South Sudan.
  • Status bar: Added additional information about selected continent.
  • Plugins: Correct parsing of the resulting XML returned from the plugin.

Collection Studio 3.62 / June 22, 2011

  • Windows 7 and XP Themes:
    • Fix background color in "About" box;
    • "Item edit" dialog: correctly resize controls to draw the same edges on each side of the frame.
  • Collectible edit dialog:
    • Show country/currency drop down lists with case insensitive sort (suggested by svirepy on our forum);
    • Allow modification and removing of old collectible statuses using buttons and/or context pop up menu of the list;
  • Multilingual support:
    • Allow translation of all default statuses;
    • Update Ukrainian flag Ukrainian translation by netavek;
    • New translation was added: Andorrian flag Catalan language by Sylvain Borri;
  • Update Checker:
    • Fix error in update checker (it always output an error when CS is up to date);
    • Show animation when update checker is running.
  • Collectible status:
    • Allow user-defined statues for collectibles;
    • Allow initialization of the date value for the new status of the collectible;
    • Allow easy dragging of "New status" window.
  • Collectible list: show extended information about collectible status;
  • Template view: show extended information about collectible status with possibility for fast opening of the contact entry;
  • Main menu: add new command for collectible - set new collectible status;
  • Images: fix "copy to clipboard" and "save as" commands for collectible photos (problem was found and reported on our forums by sharaf);
  • Export tool for coins and banknotes: Krause index was mixed with "Width" value;
  • Installation: Installer/uninstaller now is smarter, it checks whether CollectionStudio is running;

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