Country Characteristics - Collection Studio - Sammler-Software

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Collection Studio 4.76

[ Datum: 31 Mai 2024 ]

Country Characteristics



A political and physical map of the world Country is used in CollectionStudio as a nation state, a political entity asserting ultimate authority over a geographical area. All pre-build countries in CS are existent or historical states.

Supported fields

The following characteristics of countries are available in the Collection Studio:

  • Country name
  • Existence flag

    This field provides some general and reference information for item.

  • Existence period (from and to)

    This field provides some general and reference information for item.

  • Links

    You can add unlimited number of web links;

    For coins and banknote collections each country entry has predefined several links: link to national bank, link to mint and other. For postage stamps we provide also a link to the post office.

    From the other side, you can disable links in country entries using "Options" window if you don't want to have this function in vision in menus and in other CS windows.

  • Images

    For all item types including country entry you can add unlimited number of images, photos or scans.

    From other side, you can completely disable work with images in country entries using "Options" window if you don't need such functionality to be visible in menus and in other CS windows.

  • Comments

    notes and comments about given country; See, Comments for more details about work comments.

  • 5 custom fields

    Additionally, you can log 5 independent characteristics for all countries entries. To setup titles for them, open "Options" dialog.

See also

  • All Item Types - read about registered types of item in Collection Studio;
  • Collectible Types - read all about registered fields for each collectible type in CS.
