Online version - Collection Studio - Sammler-Software

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Collection Studio 4.76

[ Datum: 31 Mai 2024 ]

Ihre Meinung

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Collection Studio Online

Collection Studio » CS Online

Online-Version der Collection Studio — Collection Studio Online (CSO) is an independent, separate collector's service, which provides you online management of your collections with powerful tools for tracking and displaying collectibles in your browser and at the same time ability to share your collectible list and its information to friends and all worldwide visitors. Public access (or limited, adjustable access) to your collectibles will create for you your unique collectors home page. 488 Sammler führen bereits 537 Sammlungen online.


  • Kostenlos
  • Unterstützung von allen modernen Browsern (IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera und anderen)
  • Unterstützung von verschiedenen Mobile Geräte (iPad, iPhone, HTC und anderen)
  • Export of the whole collection or its part into several open formats (XML, HTML, CSV etc).
  • Import data using CSV files content (new feature since August 2015);
  • Unbegrenzte Anzahl von Sammlungen (Sammlung Kategorien oder Verzeichnissen) pro Benutzerkonto
  • Unbegrenzte Anzahl von Sammlerstücken pro Sammlung
  • Individuelle gestaltbare Eintrag von Sammlerstück - Sie können so viele Eigenschaften für Ihre Sammlerstücke angeben wie Sie wollen
  • Verschiedene Feldtypen — 13 verschiedene Feldtypen bringen Ihnen einzigartige Funktionalität für die Sammlerstück in Ihre Sammlung mit einzigen Mausklick
  • Einstellbar Zugriff für Ihre Sammlerstücke auf verschiedenen Ebenen (Sammlung, Sammlerstück, Feld)
  • Statistik ist mit Kreisdiagramme, Histogramme und politische Karten der Welt und Kontinenten gezeigt

Geplante Möglichkeiten

  • Befestigen Bilder zu jeder Sammlerstück
  • Verbindung mit CollectionStudio Anwendungssoftware
  • Verbindung mit öffentlichen Katalogen von Sammlerstücken zum Abrufen von Informationen über Sammlerstück (Abmessung, Geschichte, Prägung, Materialien und andere) oder für schnelle Hinzufügung der Sammlerstück in Ihre Sammlung
  • Verbindung mit Online-Auktionen

Für den Zugriff auf CSO müssen Sie in Ihren Benutzerkonto einloggen (Registrierung des neuen Benutzerkontos ist kostenlos).

CSO: Change Log

8 August 2015


  • New import feature was added into the CS Online:
    • Supported import formats are CSV (semicolon separator) and CSV (tabulator separator);
    • Ability to disable import of specific column(s);
    • Ability to create or use already existing columns during import;
    • New improvements will be added after your request! ;)
  • Fixed: unable to change specific boolean flags in information tables (fields, containers).

3 August 2015


  • Fixed: Ability to upload images for collectibles.

29 Juli 2015


  • Fixed: do not use in 'statistics by year' collectibles from containers marked as "do not use in statistics".

17 Dezember 2014


  • Fixed: collection statistics for selected country

1 Dezember 2013


  • Added Export functionality with 4 different output formats: XML, HTML, CSV (semicolon) and CSV (tab symbols as data divider):
    • XML - was added for automation with CollectionStudio application;
    • HTML - for fast creation of the web pages for your own web site;
    • CSV formats - for processing with MS Office applications etc;

31 Oktober 2013


  • Added median of the year statistics: half of collection is older than this median year and another half is younger.

6 September 2012


  • Fix: show years with "B.C." during collectible edit; Allow to enter positive years with "B.C.";
  • New field type was added - "Face value" based on "Number" field type in order to specify fave value (number + currency) for banknotes, coins, post marks;
  • New statitstics view was added for countries: collecitble listing in table according to its face value + currency and year. With this table it is easy to see which banknotes or coins are missing in set;
  • Enhance collectible url creation algorithm.

29 August 2012


  • New design of pie charts was added for all statistics views;
  • New statistics table: by century;
  • Fix: show years with "B.C." if required
  • Show/hide rows without collectibles using check box in statistics by collectible year.

27 August 2012


  • Small icons and thumbnail views: show "no image" picture for collectibles without images (fix problem: unable to open collectible without image);
  • Statistics by year: enhance data in the view: range is now filled with empty years, pie chart was replaced by histogram.

3 Mai 2012


  • Show percent values with 2 digits after point including trailing zeros;
  • Show number of collectibles per country/currency/quality level/contact with complete collectible list.

17 Januar 2012

v.0.14: Fixed: output of the statistics by custom field. New functionality: output country flags in collectible listing and in listing of countries.

16 Dezember 2011

v.0.13: New functionality was added - containers. It allows you organize more flexible your collections online. There are several types: trash bin, wish list and custom. More specific containers types will be added step by step later.

21 November 2011

v.0.12: A new 3 different collection views were added: icons with or without details, thumbnails with or without collectible details. Therefore collection can be viewed using 6 different views.

11 November 2011

v.0.11: An ability to attach images from users' computer to any collectible in collection online was added. This functionality supports thumbnails which are created on the fly for fast image viewing. The image files size is limited to 2 Mb. The thumbnail size is 400x300 pixels. Supported image formats are jpg/jpeg, gif, png, tiff/tif, bmp, emf, wmf, ico. With current policy we provide this functionality without any limits for number of images per collectible, per collection or per user account.

7 November 2011

v.0.10: A new field type was added - date with auto definition. This field is used for definition of the collectibles create date. Statistics section was expanded with summary information about collection calendar.

9 Juli 2011

v.0.9: Collectible entry now supports images, which you can see during collectible edit or in the 'Thumbnail' view. Currently we have supported only external images, and later we will add direct upload of images on our site. A new web form was added for modification of all image properties.

23 Mai 2011

CS Online service now automatically calculates collectible title and its unique URL for referencing within collection using collectible template name. It means, for example, having "[index]: [face_value] [currency], [country] ([year])" template for coins, we will get:

  • 1: 5 Zloty, Poland (2011)
  • 2: 1 Cents, United States
  • 3: 5 Cents, United States (2007)
  • etc

Note: You have already probably noticed that second coin has no year information in the collectible title. Using the declared template, the title should be "2: 1 Cents, United States ()". But our smart service cleans the resulting title for your notational convenience. The same functionality was already developed in our CollectionStudio software.

17 Mai 2011

CS Online service was translated into German language.

4 Mai 2011

Fixed critical error during work with collectible entry.

22 November 2010

Show colored pie chart for each statistics view.

9 November 2010

Add default collectible title with its default template.
Add default field list during creation of the new collection.

21 Oktober 2010

We have updated Collection Studio Online service and also changed view of the CollectionStudio User Account. Soon we will finish the first official version of the Collection Studio Online, after which you will be able to track your collectibles online, directly in your browser on your computer or any mobile device. Stay tuned!

16 September 2010

CS Online service was translated into Russian language.

3 September 2010

List collectibles in the Grid view: So, now you can see your collectible list using three different modes: list, gird and thumbnails.

14 August 2010

Show collections and list of collectibles in the user account. First simple version of the CSO was lunched for testing.