Possibility Of Changing CS Skin & Style - Collection Studio

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Possibility Of Changing CS Skin & Style

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FaithlessDreams profile
30 lipca 2009 08:02
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Hi all,

I am just wondering how easy would it be to change the style of CS in terms of the skin of the software. As CS currently has a Windows 95 / 98 style skin would it be possible to change this to an XP or even Vista style skin.

I think it would be nice for an individual users needs if we could possibly change the skin layout to feel in-line with more “modern” software.

Maybe something like this could be worked on in a later version of CS as I know something like this would take a lot of development time change over.


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Grupa deweloperska
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developers profile
7 sierpnia 2009 07:14
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Yes, generally CS has look and feel in Windows 95 / 98 style. And under Windows XP it uses current user XP-Theme (border colors, text fonts, control sizes etc). In our opinion, on particular Windows version, application should look with current OS style much closer as it is possible. So, there should be no Vista elements under Windows 95 / 98 or vice versa.

Thank you for your response, Dean. The feel and look of the Collection Studio is important thing in any case. We can see, that there are several things to do with CollectionStudio under Vista to correspond to standards. We will keep in mind this issue when planning next versions of the CollectionStudio.

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