| Continents: Add continent map colored according to collection data. |
| Menu: New 'Edit' menu items for fast access to country/currency/contact/quality edit dialog from the list of your collectibles. |
| Tab Page 'Images': Now you can drag and drop images into the 'Image' tab page - it's more convinent and more easy to use possibility for insertion of new images for your collectibles/items (you can easy drag any images from your web-browser, from image-scan-application or from any file manager including Exlporer). |
| Tab Page 'List of Collectibles': New 'Edit' button for fast collectible access from country/currency/contact/quality edit dialog. |
| Tab Page 'List of Collectibles': New 'Export' button for export of all collectible relative to selected country/currency/contact/quality. Now we support export into HTML, RTF, CSV, XML, XLS, SQL and ASCII Text File. |
| Contact: New fields were added - home address and work address with additional two web links. |
| Settings: New setup possibility: Add default list of materials for banknotes and coins or not. Now more than ten of matrials are predifened in the database. |
| Settings: New setup possibility: Add default list of herd types for coins or not. Now more than ten of herd types are predifened in the database. |
| Settings: New setup possibility: Add new contact item when new donator is entered during creation or modification of the collectible. |
| Edit dialog: Now 'Edit' dialog is resizable allowing more convenient view/edit of huge information and notes. |
| Update of the Collection Studio Help file. See Online version of Collection Studio Help. |
| Editing: Auto-complete function was added for all combobox edits. |
| Images: Add default filename of the image being saved. |
| Search: Add possibility to search using index field. |
| Fix: Crush with high-level nominals. |
| Fix: Print and Printing preview were fixed. |
| Kernel: Speed-up construction of the 'Collectible Edit' window, construction of the image list in the Gallery view and speed-up start of the Collection Studio. |
| List: Now you can see tooltips for the cells where the full text is larger than cell area. |
| Fix: Display correct number of images in the status bar for Gallery view. |
| Fix: Drawing of the gripper in the "View Collectible Using Template" and "Import" dialogs. |