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Collection Studio 4.76

[ release date: May 31, 2024 ]

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Scroll through My Collection

December 20, 2010 05:23
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I would like to be able to scroll through the "My Collection" list using my up/down arrow keys. Currently when I select a line in the My Collection list and press the down arrow key, the selection goes to the next entry. But then the focus changes to the All Fields view, and the list stops scrolling. So I cannot do a visual search by simply scrolling up and down my list.

I can do it in the Gallery view, but this only shows me the picture of my item, if I even have a picture.

This would be very similar to a Next and Previous feature of a database program.


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December 24, 2010 18:42
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You have described very interested problem. Actually the selection and scrolling throught the collectible list works perfectly without changing focus to "view using template" view. It's very strange that you have such problems. Do you have the same behavior with this information panel when it is hidden?
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