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Collection Studio 4.76

[ release date: May 31, 2024 ]


Our developers' blog is divided on several collectors themes or categories:


Use tags below to find a required article in the blog:

5 years art auction Australia award bank banknote banknotes Belarus bill bills Books Brazil Canada cars cat celebrity China coin coin stacking coins collage collection collector collectors competition cool CS currency Czech Republic design dollar dollars euro face flag France fun funny germany hobby India Japan king library medals Mexico microscope mint money moneygami museum news NYC Olympic Games paper money penny photo Pound review riddle rouble Royal Mint ruble rubles rupee Russia scotland set sightseeing Soviet Union stamp stamps Switzerland travel tree Ukraine United Kingdom United States video vinyl war won ww2 yuan

Developers' Blog

November 15

Broad chest of warrior

Some receive medals and decorations spilling blood. Collectors of military awards get them at lower price...

A woman standing next to one of the Afghan war veteran and other armed conflicts, during a rally in Kiev, Ukraine

Photo: Sergei Supinsky/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images.

Posted by andrew, November 15, 2010. Post has 0 comments.
Award decoration Kiev medal military Ukraine


November 11

Why do we collect banknotes?

Here is an opinion of the one banknote collector on the

"My name is om007 and from time to time i will contribute to this very interesting blog... I once found a Roman coin in the wild and i must admit it was quite a thrill but i do find coins quite limiting in terms of size, colors, motifs, information.

Here is a picture with my biggest (Russia 1912), a current 10 Swiss Francs and my smallest banknote (Morocco 1944). I must have all the sizes in between."

"Every note is full of faces or historical places, celebrities or weird symbol. As Proteus does for each note, there is always a lot to search and discover in the fine prints, small differences, historical references. The materials used are also quite different... From rough cardboard to polymer and all the changing quality of papers... From one-sided to multi-layer security and hologram. A lot of banknotes also have been used to doodle, write, annotate or share info with the next person to receive it... All this makes the Banknotes collection much more appealing to me than a pure Coin collection..."

Original was posted on

Posted by andrew, November 11, 2010. Post has 2 comments.
banknote coin francs Morocco Roman rubles Russia Switzerland


December 4

Philosophy on our blog

Collectors are most happy in the two cases: when they buy a rare coin, and when they sell rare coin.

Posted by serge, December 4, 2009. Post has 0 comments.
coin philosophy rule


August 22

Be respectful when handling Thai currency!

Thailand has and does enforce the national lese majeste laws. These laws expressly prohibit any act - verbal, physical or written, that shows insolent or disrespectful behavior toward any member of the Royal family. In same time, all currency in Thailand, paper and coin, bears a portrait of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej or a deceased relative. With this in mind, DO NOT EVER: step on a coin to stop it from rolling away. DO NOT step on a Thai banknote to stop it from blowing away. DO NOT throw a note or coin in anger towards another person. DO NOT tear, burn or otherwise deface a note or coin.


Posted by serge, August 22, 2009. Post has 0 comments.
60 baht banknote coins king paper money thai Thailand


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