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Collection Studio 4.76

[ release date: May 31, 2024 ]


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5 years art auction Australia award bank banknote banknotes Belarus bill bills Books Brazil Canada cars cat celebrity China coin coin stacking coins collage collection collector collectors competition cool CS currency Czech Republic design dollar dollars euro face flag France fun funny germany hobby India Japan king library medals Mexico microscope mint money moneygami museum news NYC Olympic Games paper money penny photo Pound review riddle rouble Royal Mint ruble rubles rupee Russia scotland set sightseeing Soviet Union stamp stamps Switzerland travel tree Ukraine United Kingdom United States video vinyl war won ww2 yuan

Developers' Blog

July 27

Photo of the day

The possible default of the US Government doesn't mean that newer greenbacks will be not print

Somewhere in the Bureau of Engraving and Printing

Posted by andrew, July 27, 2011. Post has 0 comments.
20 dollars banknotes dollars mint United States


May 19

Haircut: ghetto style - 2

We continue to closely watch modern tendencies in haircuts:

Posted by andrew, May 19, 2011. Post has 0 comments.
banknotes dollars fun United States


May 11

Photo of the day

Posted by andrew, May 11, 2011. Post has 0 comments.
banknotes cat dollar dollars fun United States


April 28

Photo of the day

Posted by andrew, April 28, 2011. Post has 0 comments.
banknotes dollars United States


April 20

Haircut: ghetto style

Posted by andrew, April 20, 2011. Post has 0 comments.
banknotes dollars fun United States


March 24

Counterfeiting of the day

Colombian police with fake 100-dollar bills in Cali, where during a police operation were seized fake notes worth 2.5 million dollars.

(Luis Robayo/AFP/Getty Images)

Counterfeiting of the currency of the United States is widely attempted. According to the United States Department of Treasury, an estimated 70 million counterfeit dollars are believed to be in circulation, or approximately $1 in counterfeits for every $12,500 in genuine currency.

Posted by andrew, March 24, 2011. Post has 0 comments.
Colombia counterfeit dollars United States


March 14

Moneygami of the day

Posted by andrew, March 14, 2011. Post has 0 comments.
banknotes dollars moneygami United States


January 6

Photo of the day

Posted by andrew, January 6, 2011. Post has 0 comments.
banknotes cents coins collage dollars United States


November 10

Real-Time Money Travel Tracking

Have you ever wanted to put a message in a bottle and wait to hear back about how far it traveled? If so, then you may become an addict of The website is set up for users to take any US bill and register it online. Then, it is marked with a red stamp, and the next person who finds it next is free to look up where it has been. The fun part is that it tracks how many miles it traveled, and how long it took to get there. People from almost every country in the world have ended up with the marked bills and logged onto the website.

Considering that such a small percentage of US bills are marked with, I was lucky enough to have received one in both New York and California. Most likely this is due to the extremely dedicated Super Trackers—people who have become obsessed with logging and stamping all currency they can get their hands on. In the video, one man even admits he has registered 330,000 bills! The website now hosts friendly gatherings for these tracking stars.

For all of you Canadians out there, the original founder also started Happy currency tracking!

Other money tracking sites:

Posted by andrew, November 10, 2010. Post has 1 comments.
banknotes dollars travel United States useful links video


November 9

Coin Collecting Pays

This striking coin is actually struck with the wrong date. The $10 gold Eagle coin is stamped 1804 but was created in 1834 as a gift from Andrew Jackson. The coin has proved its value many times over. In 2001 it sold for a paltry million dollars, then two years later, it was declared for $2.4 million by a buyer.

There are only four of these coins in the word. Proving again that collecting coins continues to be a popular hobby that often starts when a parent or grandparent gives a special coin as a gift to a child or grandchild.

Posted by andrew, November 9, 2010. Post has 0 comments.
coin dollars United States


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