| Che novita' in CollectionStudio
CS 4.76
| CS 4.75
| CS 4.74
| CS 4.73
| CS 4.72
| CS 4.71
| CS 4.70
| CS 4.69
| CS 4.68
| CS 4.67
| CS 4.66
CS 3.65
| CS 3.64
| CS 3.63
| CS 3.62
| CS 3.61
| CS 3.60
| CS 3.59
| CS 3.58
| CS 3.57
| CS 3.56
| CS 3.55
| CS 3.54
| CS 3.53
| CS 3.52
| CS 3.51
| CS 3.50
| CS 3.49
| CS 3.48
CS 2.47
| CS 2.46
| CS 2.45
| CS 2.44
| CS 2.43
| CS 2.42
| CS 2.41
| CS 2.40
CS 1.39
| CS 1.38
| CS 1.37
| CS 1.36
| CS 1.35
| CS 1.34
| CS 1.33
| CS 1.32
| CS 1.31
| CS 1.30
| CS 1.29
| CS 1.28
| CS 1.27
Tutte le versioni |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 4.76 / May 31, 2024
- Export:
- fixed: do not output year and quality twice
- fixed: output of multi line comments into CSV and CSV with semicolon separator
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 4.75 / Aug 31, 2018
- Export: Fix of the export into RTF file format;
- Fix: Country and currency were lost during plug-in run, for example during run of the Dates Calculator plug-in (This was a common problem during call to any plug-in);
- Misc: COL file format was upgraded to next version with more compact data output;
- Fix: face value tag inside pre-defined collection types (will affect only for newly created collections using predefined collectible types);
- Automatically open "contact us" online form if any error occurs during load/save of the collection file;
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 4.74 / Jul 29, 2018
- Update histogram view (with new sorting order) when column header in the list is clicked;
- Show map with gradient fill according to number of collectibles in each country instead of usage of 5 predefined colors; Colors of gradient and number of steps in it could be configured.
- Settings: Sounds: enhance internal mechanism for loading of sound files;
- Add spacing for long face values: 500000 dinar -> 500 000 dinar:
- during output into template view
- and inside collectible title
- Template view:
- Show a list of all collectibles for selected currency, contact and quality level
- Show a list of all collectibles for selected statistics item
- Enhanced "Comments" template view;
- Speed-up:
- sorting by number of collectibles for different views;
- sorting by country existence;
- Fixes:
- Fix: tag name mixing for face value: [face_value] and [face value];
- Fix: endless loop during open countries with collectibles that have very long face value, such as 500 000 000 000;
- Fix: link to Central Bank of Bolivia;
- Fix: reload defined colors for collectible statuses when interface language is changed;
- Fix: no assert during closing of the miscellaneous setting page caused by wrong detection of the currency selection;
- Fix: highlighting of the quality using bold font inside drop down list if this quality is used inside collection;
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 4.73 / Jun 24, 2018
- Added new statistics views:
- European union with listing of 28 countries,
- Eurozone with listing of 19 countries.
- Added histogram for "Spend per year" statistics view;
- Added new statistics section in main statistics view;
- Country: Updated statistics table in template view: collectible year / collectible face value (nominal + currency): now you can open collectible directly from the table;
- Fixed: show correct continent map when there is no any matched country in the list for selected continent.
- Multilingual support:
- Update of
Polish translation;
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 4.72 / Mar 31, 2016
- Collectibles:
- Added new statistics views - by year grouped with 5, 10, 25, 50 years;
- Show list of collectibles in pop up list from statistics view "by group of years" (5 / 10 / 25 / 50);
- Collectible title: add new rules for making more human readable title of the collectible;
- Export:
- Export into CSV: add column titles as first row of the export data;
- Convert all prices (catalog and buy price) into user selected currency; All prices are go with corresponding currency name;
- Set default export format as CSV;
- Fix: use default filename for the exported collection: "My collection, [current date]";
- GPS coordinate field type: add predefined shortcuts for opening GPS coordinate with ACME Mapper and Maps-For-Free online map services (previously there were only two options: Google maps and Yahoo maps);
- Multilingual support:
- Update of
Belorussian translation;
- Countries: Fix: do not rewrite already set existence years for countries;
- Statistics: show most lucky and most worst purchase;
- CollectionStudio help file: fixed internal links;
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 4.71 / Jul 31, 2015
- Collectibles:
- Added new field types: weight and material;
- Added new statistics view: by materials with total weights;
- Filter of the collectible list:
- Change colors of buttons;
- Show icons for buttons when there is enough free space in the window;
- Edit/add collectible window:
- Allow manual adding of the country/currency for collectible using Edit control with drop down list with already used or predefined values (you can disable this functionality and return back to just selection using combo-box with flag images);
- Auto adding new country/currency entry during creation/modification of the collectible (you can disable this functionality in the setting window);
- Fix: show vertical scroll bar when data is too big to fit the list of the ComboBox field type;
- List:
- Fix: sort by income date;
- Fix: enhance sorting by price (catalog price / paid amount);
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 4.70 / Feb 12, 2015
- Export:
- Validate string values during export into CSV format;
- Allow customization of the date format during export (current default value is DD.MM.YYYY);
- Import:
- Allow multi lines values in CSV files;
- Fix: progress bar doesn't disappear when import finished;
- Fix: progress bar moves to fast than importing of the data;
- Speed up import process;
- Multilingual support:
- Update
Ukrainian translation by netavek;
- Speed-up opening collectible edit dialog;
- Auto recover corrupted file (partly downloaded from web);
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 4.69 / Oct 5, 2014
- Prices and currencies:
- Convert all prices into one currency (selected by user in settings window) during display;
- Fix: no Euro in the currencies list for prices;
- Statistics: fix: 100 USD + 100 EUR = 230 USD, according to current currency exchange rate;
- Statistics: fix: conversion of the collection price into one base currency (selected by user or into default USD);
- Exchange rates: add ability to convert A->B using temporary currency;
- Export:
- Validate tag (for forbidden symbols) after editing and during loading of the old collection;
- Fix: export into CSV file;
- Import:
- From XML: Automatically import collectible images, attachments and links;
- Try to automatically detect "collectible index" column from the data being imported;
- Main bar: For selected collectible show only fields that are not used in the collectible template name;
- Added new country and its flag Biafra and several territories;
- Speed up: usage of more faster sort algorithm;
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 4.68 / Oct 29, 2013
- Fix: command line parameter "-newcollection" leads to opening "New collection" at program start up (also it prevent opening last accessed collection during start up)
- Default field values: now it is possible to edit default values of the field in the Collection options window;
- Export: Fix crush during export;
- Statistics:
- Main statistics: Added "median of year" field; This year represents situation where one half of collection is older than this median year and another half is younger;
- Speed up: building statistics by country/currency/quality;
- List: align numbers in cells to the right, flags - in the middle of the cell;
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 4.67 / Sep 20, 2013
- Critical fix: program crush during open of the "Collectible edit" window;
- Fix Import: auto detect country, currency, quality, year and face value;
- Multilingual support:
- Update
Ukrainian translation by netavek;
- Template view:
- allow fast access to collectibles mentioned in the template view;
- update info in the view if accessed item was changed;
- Statistics:
- Show separate face value statistics;
- automatically validate collectible template name at collection loading;
- Reworked help file
- Internal:
- Minor changes and small bug fixes
- cppcheck: a lot of small fixes according to lexical analysis;
- Fix critical error with Date/Year/Century field type;
- Added icon for "British Antarctic Territory"
- Added icon for "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 4.66 / Aug 26, 2013
- Collectibles:
- All old standard collectibles are now automatically converted into custom collectibles;
- Statistics information window is shown, during conversion of old standard collections into custom collection;
- New field types were added:
- Date Plus - which can be used to specify date (day, month and year) or only year or century in the "Collectible Edit" dialog on the fly;
- Period, to set range of mintage in coins collections for example. This field is constructed from two DatePlus fields;
- Group separator;
- Page separator;
- Face value - to indicate numbers on banknotes and coins, postage stamps etc, generally this field will go together with "currency" field;
- Face value: allow to show and edit face value using "1/3", "1/5", "1/12" etc instead of 0.3333 and 0.2 etc;
- Comobobox field type: Now you can specify default field values, which will be available in the drop down list during collectible edit;
- Default list of fields was appended with "Title" field;
- Fix: correct handling of the "[title]" tag;
- Fix: show country flags in collectibles listing;
- Collectible year:
- Fix: support of the negative year during modification of the collectible; Show "B.C." postfix instead of negative years;
- Fix: remove zero century from the "By century" statistics table;
- Collectible prices:
- For any price it is possible to provide currency;
- Pre-build list of currencies was added for following languages: english (default), russian, belorussian, ukrainian;
- Fix: do not show rows with empty prices in Template view;
- Automatically convert price value from custom currency into base currency using customizable rate table;
- Template view:
- Remember user template selection for next program start (requested on our forum);
- Adjust width of the first column in view;
- Country: New statistics table in template view: collectible year / collectible face value (nominal + currency);
- Collection:
- Open last accessed collection at start up;
- New command line parameter "newcollection" was added to disable opening of the last accessed collection during CollectionStudio start up;
- Hot keys:
- fix: add collectible using Ctrl+1 hot key;
- fix: switch to collectibles list using Alt+1 hot key;
- Collection Options: Fields setup
- "Create field tag" button: set tag as field type if it is admissible;
- Group field types using separators in drop down list;
- Images: Get "EXIF info": fix critical error: crush of the program;
- Statistics
- Show small equivalent of years in histogram if number of columns is more than 20 (with setup possibilities)
- New command line parameters:
- language, to specify user interface language;
- trace, to specify trace filename;
- structure-load and structure-save, to specify file for loading/saving structure of the collection during start up;
- Internal:
- cppcheck: a lot of small fixes according to lexical analysis;
- currencies: "penny" was added into default list;
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.65 / Mar 22, 2012
- Comments: fix convertion from RTF into ASCII; Remove unused line feeds after conversion into HTML format;
- Fix: Statistics by price, sort was incorrect (1,10,2) instead of (1,2,10);
- Duplicate:
- Changes in behavior: newer copy of the collectible is placed in the same container as original collectible;
- Newer system settings were added:
- Settings/Duplicate.AutoSelect - Auto-select duplicated collectible;
- Settings/Duplicate.AutoOpen - Auto-open "Edit" dialog for duplicated collectible.
- Newer system setting: auto-select just created collectible (by default is switched off);
- Multilingual support:
- Histogram: do not draw anything for years without collectibles;
- Images:
- Add support of the ICO files;
- Draw images more smooth with 3 different algorithms;
- More faster drawing of stretched images;
- Fix: Copy from clipboard;
- Add ability to copy from clipboard with auto compression into PNG format to reduce memory usage;
- Copy from clipboard: show summary statistics about used compression;
- Template view:
- Draw images as thumbnails for more smooth output with 3 different algorithms. With click - an original image will be shown;
- Flicker free drawing of several controls;
- Movies: fix work with value of the color flag (mentioned by Pedromig on our forum);
- Gallery: show information in main bar and in the template view about currently selected collectible;
- Fix: View correct value of the quality state in the "Edit" dialog after press Prev/Next buttons.
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.64 / Dec 30, 2011
- Custom collectibles:
- Fix tab page "Quality State": show current quality of the custom collectible and save changes made on this tab page (in previous versions it was possible to change quality state only from the main tab page of the edit dialog);
- Do not show quality state field on the main tab page of the edit dialog (quality state is handled on separate tab page);
- Search tool:
- Fix: remember/restore window position;
- Show last used keywords for search in the top of the popup list;
- Enable additional hints for suggestion during typing search Keyword using titles of country names, currencies, quality levels and contacts;
- New "-clear-history" command (without quotes) was added to clear search history in the Keyword field.
- Images:
- Fix memory leaks;
- Update information in tooltips for images after modification of its properties;
- Hide image tooltips before collectible editing.
- Fix commands: show EXIF, Copy to clipboard, Save as.
- Multilingual support:
- New translation was added:
Arabic translation by mfmddawdeh;
- New translation was added:
Slovenian translation by Tomaz Curk;
- Update of the
Turkish localization (thanks to Ali Koc).
- Menu: Draw selection mark with gradient fill under Windows XP, Windows 7 and Windows Vista;
- Background color:
- Enhance accuracy and speed of the gradient drawing in background for "Histogram" view, "Image" pane, Information bar etc;
- Filter: draw background with nice gradient color (only for PC with Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher);
- "View using" tool:
- Fix: prevent double output into the pane on opening collectible list;
- Show tooltips for images;
- Import:
- Auto detect of the "Year" column (all collectible types with year support);
- Auto detect of the "Coin type" column (coins collections only).
- cppcheck: a lot of small fixes according to lexical analysis;
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.63 / Jul 28, 2011
- Tool "Synchronize countries" was fixed: program crushed during synchronization with active "Countries" list (reported by sharaf on our forums);
- Multilingual support:
- Update of
Lithuanian translation by Laurius Vaitkevicius.
- Update of
Indonesian translation by Wowan Kuncoro.
- Fix: Tab control in the "Edit" window was not updated correctly during resize (problem was reported on our forum by McKenly Roberts).
- Main toolbar:
- Fix: Wrong background color in the main toolbar under specific color schemas in Windows XP.
- Speed-up loading of the main toolbar during start up of the CollectionStudio.
- Inner database: new country was added: South Sudan.
- Status bar: Added additional information about selected continent.
- Plugins: Correct parsing of the resulting XML returned from the plagin.
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.62 / Jun 22, 2011
- Windows 7 and XP Themes:
- Fix background color in "About" box;
- "Item edit" dialog: correctly resize controls to draw the same edges on each side of the frame.
- Collectible edit dialog:
- Show country/currency drop down lists with case insensitive sort (suggested by svirepy on our forum);
- Allow modification and removing of old collectible statuses using buttons and/or context pop up menu of the list;
- Multilingual support:
- Allow translation of all default statuses;
- Update
Ukrainian translation by netavek;
- New translation was added:
Catalan language by Sylvain Borri;
- Update Checker:
- Fix error in update checker (it always output an error when CS is up to date);
- Show animation when update checker is running.
- Collectible status:
- Allow user-defined statues for collectibles;
- Allow initialization of the date value for the new status of the collectible;
- Allow easy dragging of "New status" window.
- Collectible list: show extended information about collectible status;
- "View using" tool: show extended information about collectible status with possibility for fast opening of the contact entry;
- Main menu: add new command for collectible - set new collectible status;
- Images: fix "copy to clipboard" and "save as" commands for collectible photos (problem was found and reported on our forums by sharaf);
- Export tool for coins and banknotes: Krause index was mixed with "Width" value;
- Installation: Installer/uninstaller now is smarter, it checks whether CollectionStudio is running;
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.61 / Apr 7, 2011
- Custom collectibles: Do not show empty tab page in "Edit" dialog for collectibles without custom fields
- Convert face value 0.5 to 1/2 during output; New trigger in system settings was added; Suggested on our forum by Blaze.
- "View using" tool:
- New feature: Output country, currency, contact and quality with hyperlink allowing fast opening of the "Edit" dialog for the item from the "View Using" tool;
- Fixed: face value was omitted in the output;
- Fixed: exception under IE7;
- List: View value of the "Krauze#" field in the list;
- Multilingual support:
- Update translation in several language files;
- Add translation of the pop up menu on "Images" tab;
- Import: Fixed application crush after import.
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.60 / Mar 3, 2011
 | Remote Database: this functionality was disabled in this release. |
 | Collectibles:
- Banknotes: new standard field "Krause #";
- Coins: show weight field value in the list;
- Speed-up displaying of complex data;
- Comments field: fix appareance of the space and dash sybmols in special cases;
 | List:
- Restore old sort column and its order;
- Show collectible rows with background color specified by collectible status in settings;
 | Statistics:
- Fix: sort list using "total" column;
- Fix: value in the "total" column was mixed;
- By material: show total weight of coins for each material type;
 | Settings:
- New settings section was added - "Status / background list color" to setup rows background colors according collectible status;
- Small enhancement of controls in "Settings" dialog;
- New settings and functionality: Auto open last accessed collection (suggested by tegwin on our forum);
- New settings: Automatically set "Index ID" field on duplication of the collectible;
 | Filter: Fix: memory leaks during work with groupped values. |
 | Portable version: Loading/restoring of visibility mode of all main control bars were fixed. |
 | Multilingual support: update in translation of interface elements. |
 | Fix: Program crush at loading in special case. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.59 / Aug 12, 2010
 | Remote Database:
 | Collectibles:
- Show "status" field in "View using" tool and in the main menu;
- Fixed: wrong national symbols were displayed in "View using" tool for fields of the "comments" type;
- Fixed: collectible template was not initialized with default value during creation of the new collection;
- Fixed: show correct collection title in the caption of the CollectionStudio;
- New: allow modification of the main container using "Container properties" dialog;
- Fixed: showing countries without collectibles in "statistics by country" list;
- Fixed: modification of the images properties (reported by Werewolf on forums);
- New standard collectible status was added: sold;
 | Filter:
- A new ability was added: auto group years (in decades and centuries), auto groups dates (year and months);
- Fixed: program crush during new item creation with running filter.
 | Multilingual support:
- New
Indonesian localization was added (thanks to Wawan Kuncoro);
- Update of the
Ukrainian localization (thanks to netavek);
- Update of the
Turkish localization (thanks to Ali Koc);
- Update of the
Polish localization (thanks to Duszkiewicz Krzysztof);
 | New countries with their flags were added according to users suggestions. Fix appearance of several african countries on the map. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.58 / Mar 24, 2010
 | Custom collectibles:
- New: Auto complete function was added for Combobox field type; Suggested on our forums by Cyron;
- New: Allow output of the field caption in "Collectible edit" dialog with one or two lines of text.
- Fix: Allow unlimited number of characters to be typed in every custom field;
- Fix: "Duplicate collectible" functionality was repaired;
- Fix: There is no more multiply selection in comboboxes (discussed on russian forums);
- Fix: Save formattings options in text of fields with "Comments" type (discussed on russian forums).
 | Multilingual support:
- Update of the
Lithuanian localization (thanks to Laurius Vaitkevicius);
- Update of the
Belarussian localization;
- Update of the
German localization.
 | Export tool:
- Usage of the current sort order was added during export (suggested on our forums by Laurius Vaitkevicius);
- Usage of the filter was added during export.
 | Fix: disable call of image rotate/copy/exif functionality when there is no linked image. |
 | Fix: Sort collectibles according "income" date (reported by Mr Dronsky). |
 | View using tool: Fix selection of the template using main menu (reported by Cyron on our forums). |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.57 / Mar 5, 2010
 | Custom containers:
- Move all collectibles into the recycle bin during deletion of any custom container;
- Move collectible into the recycle bin during deletion;
- Move collectible into another custom container using container selection dialog.
 | Filter:
 | Multilingual support:
- Update of the
Ukrainian localization (thanks to netavek);
- Lot of new interface elements now support translation.
 | View using tool:
- Fix: Double country output in "View using" tool (reported by Catalin);
- Fix: The whole content was output twice during creation of the new item.
 | Custom collectibles:
- Fix: loading/saving of the "Comments" custom field was fixed (this type of custom field for collectibles was introduced in the previous version); Problem was reported on our forums by Cyron.
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.56 / Jan 15, 2010
 | Multilingual support:
- New translation (18th one):
Ukrainian language (thanks to netavek);
- New translation (19th one):
Flemish (one of the two official languages of Belgium); thanks to Rudy Matton;
- New translation (20th one):
German; thanks to Frank Winger;
- Update of the
Italian localization (thanks to svietla);
- Update of the
Belarussian localization.
 | "View using" tool:
- "All fields" and "Non empty fields" listings now are sorted ascending;
- New setup possibilities were added;
- More faster drawing of the content.
 | Custom collectibles:
- New field type: Comments (multi-line edit area with formatting options).
 | Custom containers:
- New functionality: Add/delete container; change containter properties.
- Settings: Enable/disable custom containers functionality.
Custom fields (standard collectibles):
- Display correct names of custom fields in "View Using" tool (suggested on our forum by brucec);
- Show statistics by each custom field.
 | Print & Print Preview: Fix columns order and columns visibility. |
 | Start-up: Fixed start-up of CS using file association (discussed on our forums). |
 | Import: Small fix in work with standard fields. |
 | Statistics:
- Maps: Several countries were fixed on political maps (discussed on our web-site, forums section);
- New statistics view "By catalogue price" was added (with similar behavior of the "By price" statistics view).
 | List:
- Statistics by field: ascendant sort by field value;
- Indicate column with sort when view is changed (applied for statistics views);
- Even more faster drawing of the list;
- Fix: restore of the column widthes;
- List settings: fix modifying of list properties.
 | Filter:
- New value selector was introduced for list with huge amount of values. This selector allows grouping by first symbols;
- Filter was translated in several interface languages;
- Fixed error on item delete/add.
 | Edit: fix selection of the country for books and posters (reported on forums). |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.55 / Jul 24, 2009
 | Multilingual support:
- New translation:
Dutch language (thanks to J.van Mourik);
- Update of the
Lithuanian localization (thanks to Laurius Vaitkevicius);
- Do not show asteriks for not translated strings.
 | Custom collectibles:
- New functionality: field actions. This allows open web link with field value as paramter;
- New field type: GPS Coordinate (with 2 predefined links to online maps);
- New field type: Floats;
- Fix: edit quality state;
 | Statistics:
- Statistics "By collectible price" was added.
- Statistics "By spending each year" was added (suggested on our forums by Pedromig).
- Statistics "By continent", "By face value", "By collectible year" were expanded with information about prices (total spend, and total catalog value);
- Show world map for "By country" statistics view;
- Fix: Sort of the "Price" column.
 | "View using" tool:
- Fix: Empty comments were removed from the list of non-empty fields;
- Fix: Enumeration of all fields for item;
- New 2 templates were added: one to show only images, another - to show only comments.
 | Loading: Recover corrupted col dat files (user request). |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.54 / Mar 31, 2009
 | Custom collectibles:
- New field type - quality;
- Automatical enable/disable quality state functionality (views, tab "Quality state" etc);
- Fix: Editing of value in Combo fields.
 | All Collectible types:
- New collection option - Use collectible prices;
- Automatical enable/disable collectible prices functionality (tab in "Edit" window, statistics).
 | Attachments:
- Allow insertion or linking of any file for any item;
- New "Attachment properties" dialog;
- Allow/disable "Attachments" tab for particular item types.
 | Images:
- View information from EXIF.
 | Multilingual support:
- Update of the
Russian localization;
- Update of the
Belarussian localization.
 | Export: Speed-up generation of the file being exported. |
 | Date format: A checkbox was added to enable/disable custom date format. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.53 / Feb 27, 2009
 | Custom collectibles:
- Show used countries/currencies in bold according settings;
- Show icons for countries and currencies in "Collectible Edit" window;
- Fix auto-filling of the country and currency fields using previously added item.
 | Statistics:
- Statistics "New countries by income year" was added;
- Statistics "New currencies by income year" was added.
 | Images:
- Loading of images from removeable devices (with different device letters) was added (Suggested by Catalin);
- Changed: Show all possible types of the image in "Image Edit" dialog.
 | Usability changes:
- Filter: During selection of the column value, all possible values are sorted ascending;
- List: Default sort order now is ascending.
 | Face value: Face value (nominal) now supports large numbers, such as 500 000 000 000 Dinars (Suggested by otelaru). |
 | Export: Information about document code page was added to display correctly national symbols. |
 | Regional settings: Date is outputed according current regional settings. |
 | Save view: Usage of the current columns order was added. |
 | Fix: Editing of the income year (was found by Catalin). |
 | Plugins: "Copy Field" plugin was enhanced. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.52 / Jan 31, 2009
 | Custom collectibles:
- Load/Save collection structure into separate configuration file (extension: csds);
- Fix editing 5 custom fields for country/currency/contact.
 | Multilingual support: New localization was added:
Norwegian language (thanks to Renate Gulbrandsen);
- Update of the
Portuguese (Brazil) localization (thanks to Rodrigo Spano).
 | Export:
- Export into HTML (web page) without images was added;
- Export into HTML with collectible images was added;
- Prevent exporting of empty columns (this filter applied only for rarely used fields).
 | Filter: The correct comparison of numerical values was added. |
 | Settings: Miscellaneous Settings: Selection and edit of the date format was enhanced. |
 | Fix: Prompt for password on opening existing document. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.51 / Dec 20, 2008
 | List:
- Ability to filter displayed rows in the list was added;
- Support for 8 mathematical operations for filtration;
- Hold selection on sort;
- Fix sort procedure;
- Save columns settings for each view in CS Document.
 | Collectible: A new field was added - collectible status as a part of the loan management in CS. A new tab with collectible history was added. |
 | Custom collectibles: A new field type "Year" was added. |
 | Multilingual support: New localizations were added:
Turkish language (thanks to Ali Koc, an editor of an important download Turkish website - www.inndir.com);
Italian language (thanks to De Profundis Rebecchino);
Hungarian localization (thanks to Mr. Peter Palla);
- Update of the
Polish localization (thanks to Duszkiewicz Krzysztof);
- Update of the
Lithuanian localization (tahnks to Laurius Vaitkevicius). |
 | Update: A Web Update feature was added for automatical CollectionStudio update checking according current user setup. |
 | Import:
- Support of the "Auto-detect" input file format was added;
- Support of the Tab-separated text file (extension: txt) was added;
- Visualisation: Empty data columns are not shown in the import list;
- Auto-detect of the column type was added for following types of fields: country, currency name, donator, quality state and for face value field;
- "Income date" field now can be imported in several date formats, such as yyyy-mm-dd, dd.mm.yyyy, etc or using unix date format;
- Statistics about imported data was enhanced.
 | Export: Add support for special symbols in fields during export into CSV file format. |
 | Images: Speed of images loading was increased. |
 | Dates Calculator: A new Dates Calculator 3.0.3 was included into this build. |
 | Country flags:
- A new list of country names was added to set correct flag using in-built icon database;
- Possibility to switch between these lists was added.
 | Statistics: New columns: "Price" and "Catalog Price" were added for several statistics view (Suggested by tamako). |
 | Plugins: Fix work with face value of the collectible during run of plugin. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.50 / Aug 1, 2008
 | Import: Add support for import of CSV with semicolon divider. |
 | Options for custom collectible: Two buttons were added "Move up" and "Move down" to change order of fields in the "Edit" dialog. |
 | Plugins: A new plugin was added - Embed all linked images. |
 | Fix: Problem with national symbols was fixed. All plugins were updated. |
 | Fix: Display correct country of the contact in the list. |
 | Import: Fix import of the "Nr." column. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.49 / Jul 31, 2008
 | Import: Import feature was revised. A new format for import - CSV, was added. |
 | Multilingual support: New localization was added - Portuguese language (thanks to Antonio Mendona). |
 | Multilingual support: New localization was added - Belarusian language (thanks to Piatrenko Igor). |
 | Movie: New fields were added - country, production year and original title. |
 | Contacts: Show country column in the main list. |
 | Edit: Work with combo-box for custom collectible was fixed. |
 | Search tool: Search tool was enhanced for better work with custom collectibles. |
 | Fix: Prompt for password on opening existing document. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 3.48 / Jun 28, 2008
 | Custom collectible was added in order to create custom collections. It's very easy to manage collection fields using new dialogs. |
 | Multilingual support: New localization were added - Romanian language (thanks to Catalin Stefan). Translation was updated for several dialog controls in Collection Studio. |
 | View: Colored map of Asia, North America and Oceania were added into statistics section. |
 | Settings: Create a backup file during saving of the Collection Studio Document. |
 | View Using: Two additional views of collectible were added (listing of all fields and listing of all non empty fields). |
 | Images: A new functionality was added - Paste image from clipboard. |
 | CS Exit: Prompt for changes saving when CS exits (reviewed). |
 | Save view: Dialog for selection of the file for "Save view" tool was enhanced. |
 | Statistics: Ruler in histogram control was enhanced. Statistics by income year was enhanced. |
 | Toolbar: Buttons in main toolbar were reviewed. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 2.47 / May 6, 2008
 | Statistics: Allow open "Edit" dialog for collectibles mentioned in the main statistics view. |
 | Links: Show information tooltips for links on the tab "Links". |
 | Multilingual support: Translation was updated for several dialog controls in Collection Studio; Select correct interface language at first start up; |
 | Options: "Document Options" window was reviewed. |
 | Settings: "Collectible" page was reviewed. |
 | Settings: New options were added: Show(or not) "Country Comments" tab for collectible and Show(or not) "Currency Comments" tab for collectible. |
 | Stamps: Selection of the new country/currency was fixed. |
 | Contact: Renaming of the contact name was fixed. |
 | List: More accurate drawing of the selection in the list. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 2.46 / Apr 15, 2008
 | Barcode: A new field "Barcode" was addad. Fast open of the Edit dialaog using barcode reader. |
 | Multilingual support: New localization was added - Portuguese, Brazil (thanks to Rodrigo Spano). Statistics view was transalted to Portuguese (Brazil), Polish languages. |
 | View: New views were added into Statistics section: North America, South America (with colored map), Oceania and Asia. |
 | Edit: Donator is renamed automatically when contact name is changed (the same functionality with currency titles, countries name and with quality levels). |
 | Collectible Index: Functionality was reviewed for "Automatically calculate 'Index ID' field" checkbox. So, now "Index ID" field is calculated according to maximal index id in the collection plus one, instead of the number of collectibles plus one. |
 | Comments tab: New hot-keys were added to enhance input of notes. |
 | Links: A lot of new information links were added (mints); Drop-down list of the link category was fixed. |
 | Comments: Overwrite of the "Comments" field by comments of the country/currency was fixed (thanks to Duszkiewicz Krzysztof). |
 | Hot-keys: Several hot-keys were fixed. |
 | List view: Column "Total" was reviewed in statistics section. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 2.45 / Feb 28, 2008
 | Multilingual support: New localization were added - French language (thanks to Christian Seruzier), Slovak and Czech languages (special thanks to Jaroslav Minar) and Lithuanian language (thanks to Laurius Vaitkevicius). |
 | View: Colored map of Africa was added into statistics section. |
 | View Using: Prev/next buttons were added into window of the "View Using" tool. |
 | Edit dialog: Prev/next buttons were added into all statistics "Edit" window. |
 | View Using: Now it's possible to see all collectible images in "View using" tool; Additional info about donators was added. |
 | Dates Calculator: Possibility to run Dates Calculator as plugin was added, allowing automatical changes for collectible "Year" field. |
 | Plugins: Speed-up work with plugins, version 2. |
 | Infobar: Additional information was added about selected item in the list. |
 | Plugins: A new plugin "Copy field" was added. |
 | Import: Possibility to view imported collectibles in "Edit" window was added; Fast access to "Comments" tab; Possibility to remove collectible from the list. |
 | Toolbars: Automatic feature to restore previouse state of all toolbars was added. |
 | Assoc: Opening of the Collection Studio Document using File Association was fixed. |
 | Edit dialog: Speed-up work with tabs of the "Edit" dialog. |
 | Minor bug fixing and a lot of small improvements (special thanks to Duszkiewicz Krzysztof). |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 2.44 / Dec 27, 2007
 | Comments Tab: Allow loading of the ASCII text files. |
 | XML Export: Add options window for export into XML file. |
 | Plugins: Speed-up work with plugins. |
 | Vista: Fix drawing procedure under MS Windows Vista. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 2.43 / Dec 14, 2007
 | Multilingual support: New localization was added - Spanish language. Special thanks to Rui Costa. |
 | Fix: Drawing of the tab control in Edit window when XP styles is activated. Special thanks to Clif. |
 | Fix: Load Collection Studio Documents of the 2.42 version. |
 | Fix: Drawing of the horizontal separator on Edit window. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 2.42 / Dec 11, 2007
 | Items: Unlimited set of links were added for each item type. Setup possibilities. |
 | Sounds: New sounds were added. |
 | Item Edit: Add prev/next buttons into "Edit" window for fast switching between items in List View (suggestion by Cliff on our forum). |
 | Info bar: Show the full path for current view. Add links for "Collection view" and for "Statistics view" in order to fast switch between views. |
 | Multilingual support: New localization was added - Polish language. |
 | Banknotes: A new field - "Signatory" was added (suggestion by Cliff on our forum). |
 | Dates Calculator: Support for Nepali Dates - Bikram Samvat Era [VS] conversion. |
 | Image bar: Enable image bar for views with currencies, countries, contacts and with quality levels (suggestion by Cliff on our forum). |
 | Export: Enhance export into XML/SQL for medal and movie collectibles. |
 | Links: Add a lot of new information links. |
 | Settings: Allow/disable usage of formattings options in "Comments" tab. |
 | Fix: Search tool was repaired. |
 | Fix: Smooth resizing of the "Edit" window. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 2.41 / Sep 28, 2007
 | List View: View all collectibles for selected face value, income year, century in the list (double click). |
 | View: New "Europe" view was added with colored map. |
 | Comments: Add text formatting (fonts, alignments, character decorations etc) for comments. |
 | Images: Add information tooltips for images. Add fast access to "Image edit" dialog. |
 | Export: Export images into SQL. |
 | Export: Reduce size of the generated file with exported data. |
 | Tab Images: Enhance work with images. New fields for image were introduced. |
 | Multilingual support: Improve translation of the Collection Studio. |
 | Install: Add additional install possibilities during installation of the Collection Studio. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 2.40 / Jul 14, 2007
 | GUI: Multilingual support was implemented. Read how to add your native language. |
 | Multilingual support: New translation was added - Russian language. |
 | Portable devices: Collection Studio can be installed on portable devices for example on USB Data Storage. |
 | GUI: New two GUI features: a) snap a Window to the Screen Edge and b) enhanced dialog dragging procedure. |
 | Splash-Screen: Disable splash screen using settings window and/or using input parameter. |
 | Continents View: View all collectibles for selected continent in the list (double click). Correct chart for special cases. |
 | List View: View all collectibles for selected donator, author, illustrator, language, printer, publisher, storage, material, mint, year and region in the list (double click). |
 | Tab Collectibles: Speed-up construction of the collectibles list on this tab for country/currency/quality/contact. |
 | Options: Display create/change dates of the Collection Studio file using users' locale (currently selected date/time format with correct names of months). |
 | Update of the Collection Studio Help file. See Online version of Collection Studio Help. |
 | Custom Fields: Fix columns captions for custom field (ver.2). |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.39 / Jun 2, 2007
 | Collectibles: New field for all collectibles - buy comments. |
 | Collectibles: One new collectible - medals (civil or military awards). |
 | Update of the Collection Studio Help file. See Online version of Collection Studio Help. |
 | Menus: Add "View image bar" menu item in several pop-up menus for fast access. |
 | Install: We have a new installer for Collection Studio with install on Windows Vista enabled and with multi-lingual support. |
 | Document Options: Add possibility to open folder in Explorer, where currently opened document is placed. |
 | Collectibles Tab: Collectible list is shown in colors for more useful orientation in huge data. |
 | Custom Fields Setup: Enhance usability and look of the custom fields' tree. |
 | List View: Allow independent columns setup for each list view when specific collectibles list is show. |
 | List View: Fix column names of custom fields. |
 | Hot-keys: Disable hot-keys for currency functionality for collection without currency support (medals, discs, movies, books). |
 | Settings: Add possibility to start Collection Studio with automatically selected movies/discs/medals collectible type. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.38 / Feb 16, 2007
 | Plug-ins. |
 | New plugin: remove all images for selected collectible. Open source code of this plug-in is available for download in 'Download' section. |
 | New plugin: remove all images for all collectibles in collection. Open source code of this plug-in is available for download in 'Download' section. |
 | Banknotes: New field - 'Serial number' was added as standard banknote field. |
 | Collectibles: 2 new collectibles - discs and movies. |
 | Coins: New field: Krauze catalog number. |
 | Dates Calculator: Support for Thai Buddhist Calendar, Bengali (Bangladesh) numerics conversion and Mongolian numerics conversion. |
 | Prompt for password: allow only 3 times to enter wrong password, elsewhere skip to open Collection Studio Document. |
 | Update of the Collection Studio Help file. See Online version of Collection Studio Help. |
 | List View: A sign of the baht currency (Thailand) was added - It is B letter with vertical line in the middle and other most used/popular currency symbols. |
 | List View: Speed-up drawing of the list when collection view is switched. |
 | XML Export/Import: Enhance export/import of the string data into file. |
 | Fix: Crush with special situations when splash screen is activated. |
 | Continents: Fix work with long country names. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.37 / Nov 30, 2006
 | Continents: Add continent map colored according to collection data. |
 | Menu: New 'Edit' menu items for fast access to country/currency/contact/quality edit dialog from the list of your collectibles. |
 | Tab Page 'Images': Now you can drag and drop images into the 'Image' tab page - it's more convinent and more easy to use possibility for insertion of new images for your collectibles/items (you can easy drag any images from your web-browser, from image-scan-application or from any file manager including Exlporer). |
 | Tab Page 'List of Collectibles': New 'Edit' button for fast collectible access from country/currency/contact/quality edit dialog. |
 | Tab Page 'List of Collectibles': New 'Export' button for export of all collectible relative to selected country/currency/contact/quality. Now we support export into HTML, RTF, CSV, XML, XLS, SQL and ASCII Text File. |
 | Contact: New fields were added - home address and work address with additional two web links. |
 | Settings: New setup possibility: Add default list of materials for banknotes and coins or not. Now more than ten of matrials are predifened in the database. |
 | Settings: New setup possibility: Add default list of herd types for coins or not. Now more than ten of herd types are predifened in the database. |
 | Settings: New setup possibility: Add new contact item when new donator is entered during creation or modification of the collectible. |
 | Edit dialog: Now 'Edit' dialog is resizable allowing more convenient view/edit of huge information and notes. |
 | Update of the Collection Studio Help file. See Online version of Collection Studio Help. |
 | Editing: Auto-complete function was added for all combobox edits. |
 | Images: Add default filename of the image being saved. |
 | Search: Add possibility to search using index field. |
 | Fix: Crush with high-level nominals. |
 | Fix: Print and Printing preview were fixed. |
 | Kernel: Speed-up construction of the 'Collectible Edit' window, construction of the image list in the Gallery view and speed-up start of the Collection Studio. |
 | List: Now you can see tooltips for the cells where the full text is larger than cell area. |
 | Fix: Display correct number of images in the status bar for Gallery view. |
 | Fix: Drawing of the gripper in the "View Collectible Using Template" and "Import" dialogs. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.36 / Aug 31, 2006
 | Export/Import: Support of images during export/import was added for XML files. |
 | Stamps: New fields - Topic (Category) and Postmark (location, city/country) were added. |
 | Coins: New flag for coins - Commemorative coin or not. |
 | New View: A new statistics view "Commemorative coins" was added for coins collections. |
 | New View: Statistics by continent using easy expandable database. |
 | View: More faster drawing of the huge data in the main list. |
 | Country flags: A huge amount of country flags were added. |
 | Country flags: New open database format was implemented for countries flag in order to easy add synonyms of countries names. |
 | Statistics View: Statistics view was enhanced in order to show additional information about collection. |
 | Mainbar: Additional information was appended in the item description. |
 | Histogram: Our histogram view was enhanced in order to show more data with nice look. |
 | Update of the Collection Studio Help file. See Online version of Collection Studio Help. |
 | Kernel: Speed-up several kernel methods of the Collection Studio. |
 | Kernel: Saving more compact Collection Studio Document. |
 | Collectible Edit: Addtional page was added into collectible edit dialog for country comments (and currency comments). |
 | List: Remove appearance of strange columns during switching of the Collection View. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.35 / May 28, 2006
 | New feature: List of Contacts. |
 | New feature: Password protection of your Collection Studio Document. |
 | New feature: Sounds for most important actions were added with setup possibility in the Settings window. |
 | New feature: Support of images for contact/country/currency/quality level items. |
 | Main View: Gallery view for selected collectible was added for following views: "Collection", "Duplicates" and "Statistics: By Empty Year". |
 | Export: A support of the MS Excel file (XLS) was added. |
 | Export: A support of the SQL-Scripts files (SQL) was added. |
 | Save View: A support of the MS Excel file (XLS) was added. |
 | New View: Statistics by Mint for coins and banknotes collections. |
 | New View: Statistics by Region for coins and banknotes collections. |
 | Settings: New "File association" page was added, using which you can associate .col files with Collection Studio (so Collection Studio opens the file when double-clicking on it). |
 | Menu: New menu item "Open link" was added for fast open URL link in the Web-Browser. This feature is used for URL of Country National Banks. Hot key: Ctrl + L. |
 | Menu: New menu item "Image Bar" was added in order to show or hide Image Bar. |
 | Statistics View: Show max prices (real and sell) of the collectible. |
 | Import: Import process was enhanced. |
 | Import: "Import into collection" dialog was enhanced. |
 | Export/Import: Processing of all customs fields was added. |
 | Main view: Resize possibility of the third pane (statistics image/collectible gallery) was added. |
 | Windows: Last window position on the screen is saved and restored for following windows: "Edit Collectible", "Collection Options", "Search" and "Settings". |
 | Dates calculator: Support of Japanese dates was added. So, now three types of dates are supported: Moslem, Hebrew and Japanese. Later, new formats will be appended as well. |
 | Countries: Automatically fix of the entered URL. |
 | New Design: New design was implemented in following windows: "Find" window, "About Collection Studio" window and in the "New Collection" window. |
 | Update of the Collection Studio Help file. See Online version of Collection Studio Help. |
 | Item Edit: List of collectible for given contact/country/currency/quality level item. |
 | Fix: Emission Year is not exported/imported. |
 | Fix: External Index this field is in the exported file but is not imported back into the database. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.34 / Jan 31, 2006
 | New menu item: Help/Forum with link on our official forum at http://www.CollectionStudio.com/it/forums/. |
 | Views: New columns for list of collectibles: all custom fields. |
 | Views: New columns for list of countries, currencies and quality levels: all custom fields, storage, external number, real price and donator. |
 | New field for coins and banknotes collections: material of the collectible. |
 | New fields for coins collections: coins diameter, thickness, weight, revers rotation and type of the herd. |
 | New fields for banknotes collections: width, height and orientation (portrait / landscape). |
 | Views: New columns for list of coins and banknotes: mint, region, material. |
 | Views: New view for coins and banknotes collections: material of coin/banknote. |
 | Views: Flag of the U.S.S.R., Czechoslovakia, Habsburg Empire, Austria-Hungary were added into the list view. |
 | New feature: "Dates calculator" addon which helps you to convert moslem and hebrew dates into gregorian dates. Later, a new dates format will be appended as well. |
 | New Feature: View collectible in a resizeable window using HTML template. You can easy add/remove/change HTML templates using any text editor. |
 | New Feature: Full Screen View of the main list. Hot key is F11. |
 | Settings: New "Full Title of Collectible" settings page was added. Here you can change the full title of your collectible as you wish using collectible template fields. |
 | Settings: New "Histogram" settings page was added. Here you can change appearance of the histogram window. |
 | Fix: Update information in the list on collectible changes without refreshing current view. |
 | Fix: Case sensitive search. Searching in the full title of the item. |
 | The maximal width of the any column was increased. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.33 / Aug 28, 2005
 | Collectible Edit Window: Drawing names of used countries in bold. |
 | Collectible Edit Window: Drawing titles of used currencies in bold. |
 | Settings: Switching ON/OFF for "Drawing names of used countries in bold" functionality. |
 | Settings: Switching ON/OFF for "Drawing titles of used currencies in bold" functionality. |
 | Views: A huge amount of countries national flags were added. |
 | Tools: New tool - "Export from Collection into file" was added. Supported file formats are: XML, CSV, TXT. |
 | Tools: New tool - "Import into Collection from file" was added. Supported file formats are: XML. |
 | List View: new "URL" column in the "Country" view. |
 | List View: new "URL" column in the "Statistics by Country" view. |
 | Several views were appended by a new "Images" column which show number of images in collectible. |
 | New menu item: "Add images" for all supported collectibles. |
 | New menu item: "Comments" for all Collection Studio items. |
 | Save View Tool: columns in the exported file are sorted according to list sort. |
 | Save View Tool: HTML file format was enhanced. |
 | Sped-up Collection Studio start-up. |
 | New View: Items Duplicates - lists all your duplicated items. |
 | Save View: A support of the RTF (Rich Text Format) was added. |
 | Save View: Remember a last selection of the output format during "Save View" tool execution. |
 | Save View: Automatically open just created file during "Save View" tool execution. |
 | Minimize Collection Studio Document in size. |
 | Speed-up Collection Studio Document loading process. |
 | Several improvments were made in XML output format for "Save View" tool. |
 | Several national flags were added for countries. |
 | Update of the Collection Studio Help file. See Online version of Collection Studio Help. |
 | All menus were enhanced. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.32 / May 1, 2005
 | New data fields for coin and banknote collections: Mint and Regional issues flag, Region name. |
 | Settings: New setup possibility: Maximize at start-up. |
 | "Items Count" Cell in the status bar now is validated for Gallery view to indicate number of images in your collection. |
 | Several national flags were added for countries. |
 | Update of the Collection Studio Help file. See Online version of Collection Studio Help. |
 | Now, data of the "Index" column is locked. So you can use items numbering with list sort possibility. |
 | Sort state in the list is now restored during switching between Studio's views. |
 | Fix Infomation Group Box in the Main Bar. |
 | Settings: New setup possibility: Auto-fill "Country" field using previously added item. |
 | Settings: New setup possibility: Auto-fill "Currency" field using previously added item. |
 | Docking window for Collection Tree is created. It allows you show/hide Collection Tree, move it and dock it into any main window's border. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.31 / Mar 12, 2005
 | Add comments for windows, menus and dialogs. |
 | New hot-key Ctrl+D for "Duplicate" menu item. |
 | Currency images in currency combo box are available for your coins, banknotes and stamps collections. |
 | Images (national flags) in country combo box - for all collection types. |
 | Update of the Collection Studio Help file. See Online version of Collection Studio Help. |
 | Rotation to left and right of the image in the Gallery View. |
 | Gallery View now works without any flicks. |
 | Several national flags were added for countries. |
 | Reviewed default nominal of the stamp being logged. |
 | Now, switching between views preceded without lost of the cursor position in the list. |
 | Enhanced 'Custom Fields Setup' now available in the 'Option' window. |
 | An additional standard field for stamps collection was created. |
 | Tree view now refreshes without flicks. |
 | Column "Comments" was added into the List for 'Statistics by Country', 'Statistics by Currency' and 'Statistics by Quality level' views. |
 | Now, you can easy reorder columns in the list, resize them, hide or show. Studio will remember all possible columns states according to your choose. |
 | Now, 'Statistics by Year' has a histogram to visualize your data. |
 | Small fix in the Settings window, List setup page. |
 | Enhanced 'Country Edit' window, which allows setting county's existence period. |
 | Minor bug fixing. |
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.30 / Feb 9, 2005
No data available for this release.
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.29 / Dec 24, 2004
No data available for this release.
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.28 / Dec 4, 2004
No data available for this release.
Che cosa c'e' di nuovo Collection Studio 1.27 / Sep 17, 2004
No data available for this release.
 | - Le ultime aggiunte; |
 | - Possibilita di cambiare, rivedere e modificare; |
 | - L'informazione che adesso si trova nella costrizione e sara' in lavoro fra nel tampo; |
 | - Sono stati evidenziati gli errori e i guasti piu' importanti; |
 | - Uno degli errori o guasti sono stati evedenziati. |